Payments in 72 hours.*
Payouts in cryptocurrency.
* Can be up to 30 days, depending on verification.
Payouts in cryptocurrency.
* Can be up to 30 days, depending on verification.
Accept anonymous payments
Start accepting payments in minutes.
How It Works

Create up to five custom payment links and share it instantly with anyone: friends, customers or partners. Share your link the way you want to. On your website, in an email, or even a text message.
If you don’t have a GiftPay account, signing up is fast and free. Start accepting anonymous gift card payments instantly.
GiftPay accepts all major retailers for gift card payments. This list includes: Walmart, Apple, Target, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes and many more. We’re constantly working hard to add more retailers.

After you get paid, GiftPay offers a bunch of fun and useful ways to get paid.
They include:
-Crypto currency withdrawals.
-Anything from Amazon delivered to you.
-Gas for your car
-Groceries, because food is awesome.
-Hotel bookings
-Uber & Lyft credits
-Crypto currency withdrawals.
-Anything from Amazon delivered to you.
-Gas for your car
-Groceries, because food is awesome.
-Hotel bookings
-Uber & Lyft credits supports the most popular retailers
Walmart, Target, Apple Store, and even Home Depot! GiftPay.Me
supports the most popular merchants so your customers will
always have the most available payment options.
Sign up
Reach the 70 million people without credit cards.
30% of adults in the United States don't have a credit card.
Many more people are un bankable and have trouble paying for
online services. By accepting gift card as payments, you can
reach a new cliental for your products / services.
Get started
Accept anonymous payments.
Theres certain things we buy on the internet that we just don't
want people knowing. Masking credit card descriptions for those
fun purchases isn't always the best option. Our gift card
payment system is 100% anonymous.
Try GiftPay